What do you think about investing in real estate?

What do you think about investing in real estate?

Levelcrowd, LLC was created to mix modern financial technologies and the real-life economy to find the best opportunities for profitable and safe investments.
We are present in the real estate investment market for 15 years. Our specialists have conducted risk estimates of 537 objects. We evaluate the object’s investment attractiveness with the help of Big Data technology that provides us with more than 100 parameters to get the best results. We also are partners with 27 countries that are ready to provide our platform with top-notch investment objects that you can work with.
Our leading consultants have experience and knowledge in building the concept of an international business community designed to unite the interests and capabilities of private investors in the most attractive sectors of the economy.
Levelcrowd, LLC allows you to invest in real estate to get a profit! Get complete and reliable information about the investment object, its profitability, its owner, and its rating. Then you have to determine an investment amount and make the investment via your personal account.
Basically, Levelcrowd is a real estate crowdfunding investment platform, where everyone can pick an object, invest, and get profit!

You will receive dividends starting the next month! You invest only in the objects that are offered by secured tenants who pay the rent each month. Lvlcrowd.com automatically determines your share according to the valid loan agreement at the time of investment.

Levelcrowd, LLC allows you to trade your investments on the internal exchange. Get investment shares from other users without thresholds and restrictions. You can also sell your investment shares to other users at a profit or discount, depending on your goals. We also support an urgent sale, so be sure to get your investment as soon as possible after the arrangement.

How exactly do you invest in real estate?

Step 1. Pick an object you want to invest in.

Step 2. Get your share from the rental income.

Step 3. Manage your investments from your personal account

Your personal account allows you to create a portfolio of different investment objects, track investment performance online, reinvest or withdraw profit to your banking account in a couple of steps, buy or sell shares in objects on the internal exchange.

But you have to remember, that there is always a possibility of inevitable risks in any business. We want to avoid the negative impact of such risks via very careful preparation. The focused approach allows us to use risk management programs effectively to detect any potential risk, analyze it, and prepare. It allows us to grow the profits and to increase the company’s performance.

There are several types of risks that we are ready to warn:

  1. Credit risk is the risk of loss due to non-performance, untimely, or incomplete performance of the debtor of financial obligations following the terms of the contract.
  2. Operational risk is the risk of loss, resulting from deficiencies in internal processes, human error, system failures, or external events.
  3. Market risk is the risk of loss, arising as a result of unfavorable changes in market prices for underlying assets.

As professionals, we give assurance to all investments that are made with the help of our platform. But you don’t have to worry about that since we have only secured investments of class A and A+ in our investments portfolio.

Discover real estate crowdfunding investments, check objects from all around the world, invest as much as you want, get profits, and withdraw your income on a risk-free platform Levelcrowd, LLC!

Photo by Tierra Mallorca on Unsplash